Sunday, February 22, 2009

Week 4: Image from 1940's television.

I chose this picture after watching I love Lucy, Amos n' Andy, and the Honeymooners. I felt that the women in the 1940's demanded to be heard all across America. They were just as pushy as the men and it was okay for them to talk back. This picture reminds me of those women because it represents strength.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Week 3: What I'vd Learned So Far

What was interesting and was new information to me was that after the war in the
1940's, the newly freed up assembly lines began manufacturing television sets. Something I found surprising was that people had been saving up from the war and began to spend their savings on tv sets. I didn't think anyone had much money during the war. Even back then companies were struggling with the fast pace of technology advancing itself. The television industry is constantly advancing and companies are racing to keep up.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Week 2: Old TV vs New TV

The shows I chose to watch this week were Threes Company and Friends. One immediate difference I noticed was the clothing style. On Threes Company everyone was wearing tight bell bottoms. Their walls were also covered in wood paneling. The show had a comedy feel to it, but the jokes seemed to always have sexual references. New age shows tend to be more dramatic than just sexual. Clothing styles and home decor have changed.